Thursday, October 08, 2009

Apple of my Eye

Although life seems to be too busy to fit in everything I would like to do, I really should make more time for apple picking. There it something that appeals to me about picking them locally myself. I like apples and the things we can make from them: pies, crisp, tarts, sauce, butter and of course, cider. Bit of all of these I think a tart, juicy crisp apple is one of the best things in creation. Perhaps that is why we have terms like 'The apple of my eye', and the concept of the tree in the garden of Eden being an apple tree.

1/640 f/5.6 ISO 400 75.0-300.0 mm @ 300 mm Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL
off 19th Avenue - Cashel,Markham,Ontario

Photographically there is a bit of noise in the image - that is what the original Rebel did at ISO400. I could have dropped down to ISO 200 and a shutter of 1/320. without much problem. I am not sure where the focus point was really set in this case. The very front of the apple seems a little soft so I don't think I nailed focus like I should have. Finally the bottom part of the image is some what yellow, I think I would have preferred - in retrospect - to have lowered the camera just a little so the background was a more even green.

By the way - support your local farmers.

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