Saturday, July 11, 2009

Storage Array

After grain is harvested on the prairie it is either trucked immediately to the local grain elevator or stored locally in bins like these and sold later.

If you haven't noticed I am been sticking to a Black and White theme this month. Honestly that wasn't my intention. It just happened that the first few were B&W and then I decided that I wanted to work in the black and white theme. Some photographers who produce B&W works look at the world with an eye to that result. They look specifically at the lights and darks in a scene and compose with that in mind. There apparently is a trick that some use and that is to squint; for them it allows them to concentrate on just the luminance. It doesn't work for me.

Today I have posted the colour and the Black and white versions of the same image. I wanted you to be able to see for yourself. The only difference between the two is the B&W conversion which was done in Lightroom. I somewhat struggled in this process, because I really liked the colour contrast of the red hatch. As posted, it is somewhat muted because I darkenend the reds for the B&W to make it stand out more and the was applied to the colour image as well. Perhaps this is a candidate for the selective colour photoshop technique where one applies colour (perhaps original colour) to a B&W image.

What do you think? Do you like the colour or the B&W?

1/6 f/11 ISO 1600 EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM @ 105 mm Canon EOS 40D

Quill Lake,Saskatchewan

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